
As a graduate teaching assistant at Auburn University, I have served as instructor of record and recitation leader. 

Courses Taught as Instructor of Record at Auburn University

Business Calculus - MATH 1680

Spring 2025, 40 students

Summer 2023, 25 students

Calculus II - MATH 1620

                Summer 2022, 18 students

Precalculus Algebra - MATH 1120

Fall 2020, 37 students

Fall 2020, 34 students

Recitation Leader

At Auburn, many classes are taught in a lecture-recitation format. Twice a week, students (~250) attend a lecture with the instructor of record and twice a week, smaller groups of students attend a recitation led by recitation leaders. These recitations are meant to reinforce content learned in lecture. In my recitation classes, I emphasize problem solving by having students work on problems with their peers during every meeting. In their groups, I often have them write a solution to one of the problems on the board and then have the class do a gallery walk to observe how solutions can vary. 

Calculus I: MATH 1610

Fall 2021, 30 students

Fall 2021, 25 students

Spring 2022, 26 students

Spring 2022, 26 students

Fall 2023, 29 students

Fall 2023, 29 students

Spring 2024, 32 students

Spring 2024, 32 students

Fall  2024, 28 students

Fall  2024, 30 students

Calculus II: MATH 1620

Spring 2023, 31 students

Spring 2023, 31 students

Calculus III: MATH 2630

Fall 2022, 30 students

Fall 2022, 29 students

Additional Instruction

Calculus II Dine and Derive

I designed a course support event series for the support and retention of women in the College of Engineering sponsored by a partnership between Engineering Student Services and 100+ Women Strong. The event series Is comprised of three 2-hour weekly review sessions, one 2-hour mock final exam, and one 2-hour mock final exam review. These sessions are held in the five weeks leading up to the end of the semester. Each session has anywhere from 10-100 students in attendance. 

Fall 2023

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

Spring 2025